Prayer Guide 26 November 2023


Lord Jesus Christ, this day I pronounce over ECB that You rule over all. You alone are head of the body, Your Church. You are Lord over all – supreme in all things! For God the Father was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in You Lord Jesus, and through You to reconcile all things to Yourself. All things – on earth and in heaven, You have brought everything near through Your blood shed on the cross, You the Righteous One for the unrighteous, that we might be brought into the family of God!

Once, we were totally separated from the Father, we were orphaned, enemies in our minds because of our wickedness, we were without hope and without God. But now, because of Your finished work on the cross, we have been reconciled to God, presented as holy – spotless!

May we as Your people choose to humble ourselves before You and submit to Your Word. Destroy pride, self-righteousness and all strongholds of self-reliance among us.

May I, and my brothers and sisters in Christ, be strengthened to stand firm this day and walk in the great victory of the cross. May we be established and unmovable – always clinging to the hope of the Gospel, and unaffected by the lies of the accuser.

This day, as a member of Your body, the Church, I choose to humble myself under Your Lordship and I proclaim that You are head over all.

Jesus, You are Lord over Your Church. (Pause and pray for your brothers and sisters around the world. Pray that the global Church of Jesus Christ will be strengthened and revived.)

Jesus You are Lord over the ECB faith community. (Pause and pray for our church community.)

Jesus You are Lord over my life. (Pause and submit yourself once again to the Lordship of Jesus.)

Lord Jesus, I make this confession, Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

Amen and AMEN!

Psalm 24:1; Psalm 103:19; Hebrews 1:3; Colossians 1:15-23; Acts 10:36; 1 Corinthians 15:20-21; 1 Peter 3:18; Ephesians 2:12; Philippians 2:11; Matthew 16:18


I ask Father, that we would become a people who increasingly proclaim Your righteousness and speak of Your faithfulness. Make us to be loving, ‘Gospel-messengers’ I pray. Give us opportunities to share Jesus with those around us. (Psalm 40:8-10)

Father, I pray for those among us who are feeling weak, or are in need, and ask that You rescue them and encourage them. May we, as the body of Christ, minister in love to those around us who are struggling. (Psalm 82:3-4)

Father, destroy all pride among us and replace our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh. Give us the gift of brokenness and repentance before You. (Ezekiel 11:19)


Remind us continually I pray, that it is not by our own strength or ability or intellect that we prosper and have victory in the many arenas of life – it is You, O God, who helps us and enables us to prosper! (Psalm 44:5-8)

Regardless of difficulties and trials, I ask Father, that You strengthen us so that we will not fear. Instead, may our confidence in You and who You are, increase and be evident in the way we live out our faith in front of those who do not yet know You. (Psalm 27:3) (Pause and pray for those you know, by name, who are going through difficulties…)

Forgive us Father, for the ways that we follow You half-heartedly. May we become those who love You with all of our hearts, all of our souls and strength. (Deuteronomy 6:4)


Prayer and Fasting Focus
Give to us I pray, a longing to be still and know that You are God. May we turn-off the noise in our lives so that we can better hear Your voice and respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. (Psalm 46:10)

I ask that each of us in the ECB faith community, become a ‘house of prayer for all nations. (Mark 11:17)

Keep us, I pray, from holding onto burdens that You never intended us to carry. May we increasingly cast our cares on You, that we might be sustained.
(Psalm 55:22)

Father, I ask that Your glory spread over the face of the earth – over every nation and city, over the city of Bangkok! May Your Spirit be poured out over our city and many come to know Jesus. (Psalm 57:11)


Father, I thank You that You are our refuge and strength – ever present in every situation. Keep us from fear – regardless of what we see around us, may our hearts be steadfast trusting in You! (Psalm 46:1-3; 112:7)

Revive and restore every faltering heart. I pray for my brothers and sisters who are ‘wandering’ in their faith journey, who are weary or confused or have somehow lost their way.  Restore the joy of their salvation to them I pray! Call them back. (Psalm 80: 18-19; 51:12)

Father, may we be faithful in declaring Your greatness and power to the next generation. Forgive us for being silent or intimidated. Open our mouths that we might always recount Your goodness to those around us! (Psalm 71:17-18; 78:4-6)


May we increasingly be those who trust in You, and do what is good – overcoming evil with loving good deeds. May Jesus be lived-out through us in this way I pray! (Psalm 37:1, 3; Romans 12:21)

I lift up those among us who are struggling with doubt, unbelief or depression, and ask that You would keep the light of the Holy Spirit burning in their hearts – turn their darkness into light, I pray! (Psalm 18:28) (Pray for those you know, by name…)

As we come together to worship You, may we truly praise You with all our hearts among the nations, and sing of You among the people! For great is Your love and faithfulness. You are worthy of all our praise! (Psalm 57:9-10)

Build ECB into a ‘house of prayer for all nations’ Lord! May prayer truly become the ‘fuel’ of every ministry. Teach us to pray. Use tonight’s A Call to Prayer gathering to take us deeper in prayer. Father fill us with such passion for You that we seek You, Your Kingdom and Your righteousness – first. Holy Spirit reveal to us the ways and the things that we seek first instead of seeking You (Matthew 6:33).


May the sound of Your praise be heard increasingly among us – may we all praise You, O God, that the land in which we live might yield
a great spiritual harvest and Your blessing fall on us. (Psalm 67:3, 6)

Open the doors of our hearts, Father, and remove every obstacle that keeps us from acknowledging our sin before You and entering into deeper relationship with You. (Psalm 66:16-20)

Give to us, I pray, a fresh determination to follow hard after You. May we hear and obey Your Word and persevere through trials. (Deuteronomy 17:19)

Prepare us today, to enter Your gates with thanksgiving and Your courts with praise tomorrow! May our hearts be unleashed in Your presence with overflowing joy as we worship. (Psalm 100)